May 18, 2024


Defend Your Health Care; Stop Obama’s Health Plan

If you care about lower taxes, keeping the government out of your life and stopping them from ramming through a fascist health care plan, then you need to take action now. But first, educate yourself on the issues. It will only take a few minutes. Then pass this on to as many people as you can.

Why Don’t Limbaugh and Hannity Support Ron Paul’s Bill to Audit the Fed?”

There is currently a bill to Audit the Federal Reserve before the House and Senate that has bipartisan support and makes sense for all the People of this country yet Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity (among others) never promote it on their shows. Why is that?

Auditing the Fed is what the People want and Congress needs to provide.

The Pakistan Situation

The situation in Pakistan will get worse…and the U.S. is over-strained to do anything about it, both militarily and economically… Even more reasons the dollar is on shaky grounds…and for that matter, the stock market to…. Got gold? Pakistan expects 500,000 to flee Taliban fighting and if the U.S. does interfere in Pakistan….good time for […]

Vote For Those That Voted “NO” To the Bailout Come November”>part

Voting for those senators and house rep.’s who voted “no” for this bailout bill would be a good protest vote come November. Below is the response from my local house rep. Typical politician double speak…”I’m against it but I voted for it…” Senator Feinstein voted for it and replied to my letter of protest. Senator […]

A Solution for Ron Paul Supporters?

A Solution for Ron Paul Supporters? ——————————————————————————– Voting Fourth Party Part 2 Sandra Hamilton wrote an article on voting Fourth party that I had posted here recently. There were some comments on how writing in Ron Paul could be a “wasted vote.” In this sequel to her first article on writing in Ron Paul, she […]

Voting Fourth Party”>news

Makes sense to me…. My comments follow this article… Doug Eberhardt Voting Fourth Party by Sandra Hamilton Most of the people that I know are not happy with the political choices they have for President this year. I hear lots of talk about voting against one guy or the other, but not so much talk […]

The Pickens Energy Plan vs. the U.S. Imperialism Plan

Pickens wants you to choose his energy plan whereby he will make millions.  The current U.S. administration wants you to support their energy plan of attacking oil producing countries.  Is this the lesser of two evils? No…, the U.S. actions are evil, but the rich know how to get richer. T. Boone Pickens has a […]

America’s Infrastructure In 2009: Grade “F”

In 2005, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) came out with a report card on America’s Infrastructure. The overall grade from the 2005 report was D, down from a D+ in 2001. William Henry, president of the ASCE, said; “Since the time our infrastructure was last graded in 2001, there has been little or […]

We’re Winning The War On Terror!

Things are going real well in the war on terror, just take a look at this list; Stock market is falling apart… Dollar has fallen 40% since the war began… World food crisis because of rising food prices… More people IN THE U.S. getting food from local food banks…who are low on supplies… Real inflation […]

Prepare Your Children (or Yourself) For The Draft!

Most of America is against war…any war. Most of America would not want their son or daughter drafted into a war they don’t believe should be waged, especially when the country that war is being waged against didn’t attack us. But what can you do to stop this madness of warmongering and protect your sons […]