April 28, 2024


We’re Winning The War On Terror!

Things are going real well in the war on terror, just take a look at this list;

Stock market is falling apart…

Dollar has fallen 40% since the war began…

World food crisis because of rising food prices…

More people IN THE U.S. getting food from local food banks…who are low on supplies…

Real inflation rate in double digits (you know..utilizing the same criteria for figuring inflation from the Carter years)…

Housing bubble has burst…

Consumer debt over 2.6 trillion…

National debt over 9.3 trillion…

Trade deficit averages 58 billion a month…

Budget deficit in the hundreds of millions doesn’t even include the cost for the wars…

Real Unemployment near 14% when you include the “discouraged workers…”

Industrial production has contracted year over year…

Oil and Gasoline prices at record levels…

There are no consequences to our actions around the world are there?

Things are going real well! We’re winning! We’re winning!

Meanwhile, seniors on a fixed income are crying…

Where we go from here I prefer not to dwell on…

But hey! …we’ve got Obama or McCain to save us!

Editor’s note: I did not include in the above analysis, the losses of liberty to include; the patriot act, various house and senate bills that will take away more of our freedoms, including your right to free speech in criticizing the U.S. government that passed the House by a huge margin (Senate Bill – S. 1959), legal wire tapping and domestic spying (FISA), right to detain indefinitely, TSA pat down search abuse and now body scanners, terrorist watch list now over 900,000, real ID in the works, International Cyber Crime Treaty and loss of private property through Eminent Domain to name a few.


To do something about those elected Congressmen and women, read Alex Wallenwein’s fine column.

Doug Eberhardt