May 5, 2024


Does this Administration Care About Teens?”

So while I am negative in my articles about government’s wasteful spending and living beyond its means at the expense of We the People, and as the unemployment picture gets worse and worse for the youth of today, what will it take for this administration to listen to ideas that can help teens get jobs?

Top 5 Articles of 2009

It was a great year for gold and a down, then up year for the stock market. Our government and the Fed are still doing damage to the economy while politicians claim “the recession is over.”

What will 2010 bring?

Stay tuned…I’ll expose it all here on the Fed Up! Blog and help people understand what’s really going on with the U.S. Dollar, Gold and their investments, media influence, our government and the politicians who run it and their collusion with the real “root of all Evil” that is at the forefront of the bust economy, the Federal Reserve.

Your Senate Hard at Work Spending Your Tax Dollars and Increasing the Federal Debt Again

While Republicans are starting to see the light when it comes to their votes in restraining government spending, Democrats are fully taking advantage of their majority which leads us to the question, are Democrats stupid or ignorant?

Why Don’t The Elite Want the Fed to be Audited?”

Aren’t all corporations in America required to file Form 10-Q for quarterly reports under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934? Don’t shareholders of banks have the right to know what’s going on with their bank, especially if it is in trouble and secretly receiving funds from the Fed? Then why shouldn’t the People of the United States also know what’s going on with the one entity that destroys the purchasing power of the U.S. Dollar?

Limbaugh and Hannity Still Favor The Fed and War While Most In America Don’t

Why would these two pro-conservative, highly influential media pundits not say one thing about the Audit the Fed bill winning a vote in the Financial Services Committee to be included as part of another bill? This is big news and has a real impact on our economy if it passes.

The Left and Right Love and Need War”

President Obama ran on a campaign of ending the wars but is currently contemplating sending more troops to Afghanistan. Both Republicans and Democrats support the military industrial complex. Republicans used to get us out of wars (Vietnam and Afghanistan) and now these “new” Republicans, also called “neoconservatives,” hijacked our liberty since 9/11 as well as forgot the Reagan “old Republican party” stance of a “strong national defense” while the “neo-liberals” infatuation with war and the threat of war charade continues without any media objection.

The Government Is Not in the Business of Keeping You Healthy Revisited: No Mammograms Recommended for Women Aged 40-49”

If you want the government to control your health care, do nothing. If you don’t want them to control your health care because you realize that it will cost you more in the long run, then Tell Congress To Support the Health Freedom Plan. Please do it now.

Social Security Will Be There For You, However…

How is adding debt to more debt going to solve any of America’s problems in following through with the promises to seniors who have trusted their government to at a minimum give them their money back they put into the system?

Digger’s Friday Triple Play

Analyzing President Obama’s claims about the proposed government health plan.

The Government Is Not in the Business of Keeping You Healthy

The result: treating the disease rather than preventing it which costs the system and consequently taxpayers more.

Perhaps if more people got physical examinations on a regular basis, the cost of health insurance wouldn’t be so expensive. As usual, the U.S. government has it all backwards.