December 4, 2024


Defend Your Health Care; Stop Obama’s Health Plan

If you care about lower taxes, keeping the government out of your life and stopping them from ramming through a fascist health care plan, then you need to take action now.  But first, educate yourself on the issues.  It will only take a few minutes.  Then pass this on to as many people as you can.


UPDATE: 3/19/2010

President Obama and Congress are doing all they can to ramrod a health care bill into existence. I wrote an article that addresses REAL health care reform that you can send to your congressman.

I direct people how to take action at the bottom of the following article: Health Care Reform Didn’t Work for Romney and Won’t Work For Obama – Here’s What Will Work


Dr. Betsy McCaughey PhD, makes some startling discoveries in the Obama Health Plan.

The title of this article, “Defend Your Health Care” comes from the website of Betsy McCaughey, PhD, founder of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and former Lt. Governor of New York State.  Please go to her website and sign up to keep up to date with what’s going on with Obama’s Health Plan.

Some of the facts she presents after a thorough analysis of the plan:

Obama says: You can keep your own health care plan:

The Truth:  And as soon as anything changes in your contract – such as a change in copays or deductibles, which many insurers change every year – you’ll have to move into a qualified plan instead (House bill, p. 16-17).

When you file your taxes, if you can’t prove to the IRS that you are in a qualified plan, you’ll be fined thousands of dollars – as much as the average cost of a health plan for your family size – and then automatically enrolled in a randomly selected plan (House bill, p. 167-168).

Obama Says: No one is going to reduce your Medicare Benefits

The Truth: The Congressional majority wants to pay for its $1 trillion health bills with a $500+ billion cut to Medicare. This cut will come just as Medicare enrollment increases by 30%. Less money and more patients will necessitate rationing.

Did Obama Really Say Those Things?

Mandatory Five Year Counseling for Those in Medicare On How to End Their Life Sooner

The following is an excerpt of an interview that Dr. McCaughey did with Fred Thompson:

“Page 425 of the bill, Congress will make it mandatory, absolutely required, that every five years people in Medicare will have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner. How to decline nutrition, how to decline being hydrated, how to go into hospice care and if you get sick within that five year period, like getting cancer for example, you have to go through that session again all to do what’s in societies best interest or your families best interest, and cut your life short.”

Here is what the Plan actually says;

Page 425:

“(FF) advance care planning consultation (as defined in subsection (hhh)(1));”; and

(B) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

“Advance Care Planning Consultation

“(hhh)(1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), the term ‘advance care planning consultation’ means a consultation between the individual and a practitioner described in paragraph (2) regarding advance care planning, if, subject to paragraph (3), the individual involved has not had such a consultation within the last 5 years. Such consultation shall include the following:

“(A) An explanation by the practitioner of advance care planning, including key questions and considerations, important steps, and suggested people to talk to.

“(B) An explanation by the practitioner of advance directives, including living wills and durable powers of attorney, and their uses.

“(C) An explanation by the practitioner of the role and responsibilities of a health care proxy.

“(D) The provision by the practitioner of a list of national and State-specific resources to assist consumers and their families with advance care planning, including the national toll-free hotline,

What are other physicians in Congress and elsewhere saying about this bill?

Congressman Tom Price, MD, Georgia:

“You know this has not been a bipartisan effort.”
“The American people will have access to get in line.”
“What you all are planning is to drastically intrude on health care in this country.”
“This plan will destroy health care in this country, you should be ashamed.”
“Physicians will exit the practice because of this bill.”
“The American people have no desire to have the government intrude in their health care.”

Dr. Dave Janda, orthopedic surgeon and a world-recognized expert on the prevention of sports injuries, particularly in children had this to say:


“I rest my case. The ObamaCare Plan is hazardous to the health of every American.

After I finished my Capitol Hill presentation, I was asked by a Congressman in the question-answer session: “I’ll be doing a number of network interviews on the Obama Health Care Plan. If I am asked what is the one word to describe the plan what should I answer.”

The answer is simple, honest, direct, analytical, sad but truthful. I told him that one word is FASCIST.”

What you need to do now to stop the Obama Health Plan

Contact your Senator

Contact your House Representative

Learn About the Real Cause of Our Health Care Crisis and the Solution

The Right to Medical Care Versus Socialized Medicine

Synopsis: “A demonstration that government intervention inspired by the philosophy of collectivism is the cause of America’s medical crisis and that a free market in medical care is the solution for the crisis.”

Ask Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Medved, Boortz etc. Why They Never Talk About Supporting These Bills:

H.R. 1233: “Taxpayers’ Freedom of Conscience Act of 2009″ which prohibits a federal official from expending federal funds for any foreign or domestic population control or population planning program or family planning activity (including any abortion procedure).

Protect Patients’ and Physicians’ Privacy Act, HR 2630: which allows patients and physicians to opt out of any federally mandated, created, or funded electronic medical records system. The bill also repeals sections of federal law establishing a “unique health identifier” and requires patient consent before any electronic medical records can be released to a 3rd party.

H.R. 2629 Coercion is Not Health Care Act:
This legislation forbids the federal government from forcing any American to purchase health insurance, or conditioning participation in any federal program on the purchase of health insurance. Forcing Americans to purchase government-approved health insurance is a back door approach to creating a government-controlled healthcare system. Congress would define what policies and coverage requirements satisfy their mandate. Does anyone then doubt that what conditions and treatments are covered would be determined by who has the most effective lobby? Or that Congress would be capable of writing a mandatory insurance policy that fits the unique needs of every individual in the United States?

Congress should put the American people back in charge of healthcare by expanding healthcare tax credits and deductions, increasing access to Health Savings Accounts, respecting privacy and the doctor/patient relationship. Further politicizing and bureaucratizing of healthcare will only increase costs and reduce quality, as demonstrated by most other countries with socialized medicine.

Ask Yourself Why?

Why won’t these media pundits who are decrying Obama’s Health Care plan talk about these bills that are getting zero media attention and as a result the public hardly knows about them?  These bills are in the public’s best interest!  AND, each of these bills were written by a Medical Doctor (MD).

The reason Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Medved, Boortz et al. don’t talk about these bills is they were all written by Ron Paul.  And although Ron Paul has been right all along about the deteriorating economy with repeated warnings, when it comes to health care, something he knows a little about having been a physician, Ron Paul is again shunned by the media.

If you’re a conservative reading this, I hope you can see the light and put pressure on those who are supposed to speak for all conservatives by calling into their shows and getting behind some of these bills that will keep the Obama Health Care plan from infringing upon your liberty and freedom of choice.

If you don’t challenge them, who will?

Thanks to George Reisman for some of the links in this post.