May 5, 2024


Why Aren’t Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney Threatening To Bomb Dearborn Michigan?”

This post is partially tongue in cheek (the bombing of Dearborn, Michigan part) to point out the absurdity of the policies of most all of the Republican candidates as well as the Obama administration wanting to bomb Iran, except for the following statements; the only true Peace candidate, Ron Paul, would rather choose to trade […]

Some Christian Groups In Iowa Choose Pro-death Candidates Over Pro-life Candidates”

If a Christian is “pro-life,” shouldn’t that also include the lives of those our government chooses to kill abroad in undeclared wars, including those of our own armed forces? So why is it that a few Christian groups in Iowa have shunned Ron Paul in favor of the remaining warmongering candidates as we move closer […]

Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Justin Bieber and the Youth Vote”

3 1/2 years ago during the run up to the 2008 Presidential election,  I wrote that Ron Paul should hire Britney Spears so he could get some media attention. Every media outlet was ignoring him then and subsequently the Republican Party decided to promote a candidate, John McCain, who knew absolutely nothing about economics as their […]

Why Has Newt Gingrich Risen In the Polls?”

Of late we have seen a surge by Newt Gingrich in the polls. First it was Herman Cain, now Gingrich….who’s next? Of course the media, both left and right, have written about Gingrich’s rise as if it was the second coming, claiming him to be “the new front runner” and “back from the brink’ alongside […]

Is Iran Really A Threat To Anyone?

Watching the 2012 Presidential election Republican debate on CBS this past weekend just made me cringe. How is it that the Republican Party has been hijacked by these leading Presidential candidates like Romney, Gingrich, Cain and Perry who want to take us to war with Iran? Didn’t we just go through this charade with our leaders taking […]

The Ignorance Of State Loving Ann Coulter When It Comes To Marriage″

Ann Coulter, a loud mouth book writer who is sometimes on Fox News for her typical anti-liberal rants, came out today with a new column attacking a certain Republican Presidential candidate, sometimes called “Libertarian,” Ron Paul. He is called Libertarian by those, like Ann Coulter, who want to try and distance him from the media […]

Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze” 5 of First 20 Stories Muslim Related”

Does writing 5 out of the first 20 stories for The Blaze on one issue, Muslims, constitute a “wide range?” Muslims represent 1% of all United States citizens yet constitute 25% of The Blaze first 20 stories.

Left and Right Media Misinforming Public About Auditing the Fed

Leave it to the mainstream media, both sides of the aisle, to misinform. Look at the following headlines for proof positive there are big money sources working against letting the Federal Reserve cat out of the bag.

An Open Letter To Sellout Congressman Bernie Sanders On Auditing the Fed

Sanders, you are a sell out to the power elite who refuse to work on behalf of the People in restraining the Federal Reserve, the cause of the bust to begin with.

Which Congressmen Voted to Give IMF $100 Billion? Vote Them Out!

Which Congressmen and women are casting their votes for the Constitution and We the People and which are voting against the Constitution and the People?