Aren’t all corporations in America required to file Form 10-Q for quarterly reports under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934? Don’t shareholders of banks have the right to know what’s going on with their bank, especially if it is in trouble and secretly receiving funds from the Fed? Then why shouldn’t the People of the United States also know what’s going on with the one entity that destroys the purchasing power of the U.S. Dollar?
Why Don’t The Elite Want the Fed to be Audited?
Limbaugh and Hannity Still Favor The Fed and War While Most In America Don’t
Why Don’t Limbaugh and Hannity Support Ron Paul’s Bill to Audit the Fed?
There is currently a bill to Audit the Federal Reserve before the House and Senate that has bipartisan support and makes sense for all the People of this country yet Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity (among others) never promote it on their shows. Why is that?
Auditing the Fed is what the People want and Congress needs to provide.
Are Congressmen Stupid or Ignorant?
Congress is taking our nation towards bankruptcy because they don’t address the Evil that allows them to wage war and spend like there’s no tomorrow. They live like kings and queens and they do so because We The Serfs don’t speak up! Congress is taking our nation towards bankruptcy because they don’t address the Evil […]
The Ron Paul rEVOLution, Super Tuesday and “The Message!”
The Republican nominee for President will more than likely be decided by February 5th, otherwise known as Super Tuesday. Whether or not Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for President by that time is irrelevant because either way, as the Republican nominee or as a 3rd party candidate, the rEVOLution he has started will continue […]