Watching the 2012 Presidential election Republican debate on CBS this past weekend just made me cringe. How is it that the Republican Party has been hijacked by these leading Presidential candidates like Romney, Gingrich, Cain and Perry who want to take us to war with Iran? Didn’t we just go through this charade with our leaders taking […]
As National Debt Approaches $15 Trillion Presidential Candidates Ignorant Of Solutions
When it comes to solutions of what our country needs to reverse the trend of Congress adding debt to debt in thinking this is actually a solution in getting our economy going again, I state unequivocally that Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain are not the answers. Yet these are the candidates that […]
Posting Articles At We the Serfs Website Now – Please update RSS feeds
I will be writing all future articles at We the Serfs blog from this point forward. Go to and I hope to have you as a regular reader. I will be working on finishing my next book, “We the Serfs” and hope to have it finished soon. My latest article: As National Debt Approaches […]
The Ignorance Of State Loving Ann Coulter When It Comes To Marriage
Ann Coulter, a loud mouth book writer who is sometimes on Fox News for her typical anti-liberal rants, came out today with a new column attacking a certain Republican Presidential candidate, sometimes called “Libertarian,” Ron Paul. He is called Libertarian by those, like Ann Coulter, who want to try and distance him from the media […]