April 25, 2024


Some Christians Want To Rush War With Iran To Fulfill Biblical Prophecy Part 1

Prelude: It is a typical tactic of the media when one speaks about Jews or Israel to label the writer anti-semite. This article is about how some Christians are influenced by what the Bible says about Israel and how some leaders and many in the media want to rush to war with Iran in fulfillment […]

Things For Some Christians To Ponder About U.S. Foreign Policy


Christians are sometimes influenced by what they hear on TV or radio about how they should think when it comes to U.S. foreign policy. This article will give some background on the United States foreign policy and the results of said policy. If you are a Christian in the United States, you have to understand […]

Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze” 5 of First 20 Stories Muslim Related


Does writing 5 out of the first 20 stories for The Blaze on one issue, Muslims, constitute a “wide range?” Muslims represent 1% of all United States citizens yet constitute 25% of The Blaze first 20 stories.

Glenn Beck’s “Unity for All!” Unless of Course You’re Not Christian

If you are a Christian in a foreign country, can you talk freely about your religion to others? This article will analyze what its like for Christians in the countries of India, China and Iran, and correlate it to what Glenn Beck is trying to do with Christianity here in America.

Conversations With A Neo-Conservative From A Christian Perspective


I’ll bet most reading this are of the same party, democrat or republican, as their parents were. To this I simply ask why? Do you agree with the basic platform of the party? In the weeks and months to come, I want to start challenging democrats and republicans, from a Christian perspective as to why they think the way they do, and in particular, see if this thinking is Biblical in its structure.