April 25, 2024


Ron Paul Should Leave The Republican Party

I’m not trying to second guess Ron Paul, but the following is what I believe needs to happen in order for Ron Paul’s “message” to have the most lasting impact.

What makes Ron Paul think that sticking with the Republican Party is going to accomplish his campaign goal of Liberty? 95% of Republican voters have spoken thus far and they want to stay with a Party that loves war, spends like there’s no tomorrow and will trounce liberty at every waking opportunity.

Ron Paul thinks he can transform this party back to what it used to be when the party’s platform stood for a humble foreign policy, limited government and liberty for all.

I’m sorry Ron, this just isn’t going to happen.

The problem is the media isn’t going to do you any favors from this point forward because they consider the Republican race over. At best, you might get a spot on the Republican stage to speak but if the rest of the Republican party is trying to “unify” itself, then why would they want someone on stage who is going to have an opposite view to theirs? They don’t want anyone on stage who will hurt their warmongering candidate’s chance!

So now is the time to run as a 3rd party candidate. You did it once before Ron. You can do it again!

You can run under the Libertarian Party as you did before, or the under the Constitution Party as we all know your support of the Law of the Land.

You will have the full support of the rEVOLution behind you. You’ll have eight more months to get the “message” out to those who haven’t heard it or don’t understand it. You “might” be given a chance to debate the other two candidates and this can show the world once and for all the real differences you have with them. This is the chance for you to shine!

The dollar is continuing to tank and you are the only one who has solutions to stop it. We have become an imperialistic nation and you are the only one who wants to bring the troops home from 130 different countries. Government has grown too big and you are the only candidate with the guts to cut out entire departments. The IRS taxes our labor and uses that money to pay off government debt and you are the only candidate who wants to let us keep what we earn by eliminating the income tax.

We know why you are needed to save America, but how can your message be heard by a larger audience? Let’s look at the recent history of a successful 3rd party run for the presidency.

Ross Perot was allowed to debate in the 1992 Presidential Debate because he was polling good numbers. In 1996 he was only polling 5% and wasn’t invited to the debate.

I had written to pollster Rasmussen Reports just before Super Tuesday to find out why Ron Paul wasn’t included in their list of candidates on their home page despite beating Giuliani and Thompson in various state caucuses and elections. They wrote back saying that “he’s not polling at 10% nationally,” and that “as soon as he polls 10% nationally, we’ll include him.”

So 10% seems to be the magic number for recognition. To get Ron Paul in the presidential debate he has to poll north of 10%. To poll north of 10%, the grassroots effort needs to continue making phone calls and going door to door and spreading the “message.”

There are no guarantees, but if this goal of 10% is obtained, anything can happen. There’s still time to do this as I’ve written about here.

The electoral system is slanted to where two parties dominate via delegates as many of you know. As it stands, the system is so screwed up and biased that for the democrat primaries right now it’s coming down to what are called “superdelegates.” Since neither candidate has garnered enough regular delegates to win the primary outright, it comes down to a select group of people (superdelegates) who get to decide who will represent them come November. Naturally Obama and Clinton are throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars at these people to woo their vote!

These delegates are what wins national Presidential elections. You may remember that Gore won the popular vote in 2000, but George Bush won the election because he won the delegate count with some last minute Florida shenanigans.

So what does this have to do with Ron Paul? Everything. Ron Paul doesn’t stand a chance of getting too many delegates come November now that he is out of the Republican race (not completely out, but realistically out). Ross Perot, even though he garnered almost 20% of the popular vote in 1992, had zero delegates to his name. Knowing this outcome in advance means that Ron Paul needs to concentrate on getting his message out to those whom might not have heard it. He will be more successful doing this as a 3rd party candidate. It will also help this 3rd party garner national recognition and become a player in future elections.

This means he should take the Republican campaign donations he has left and concentrate on getting his “message” out to as many people as possible by radio and mail (the lowest cost way to reach the most people). Then he can start a new fundraiser under the party he elects. If he continues to run, people will find a way to give.

If by some miracle Ron Paul was able to debate McCain and the Superdelegates choice for the Democrats, then he would be allowed to demonstrate the urgency of his economic revitalization plan to save America.

And if by some miracle Ron Paul were to win the popular vote and garner zero or a few delegates, the system would once and for all be demanded to change by the voice of We The People.

Just look at where The People have allowed their elected officials to take our great nation:

1. We are the world’s largest debtor nation: U.S. National Debt: Now OVER $9.4 Trillion.

2. We have a never ending trade deficit because we don’t produce anything here in America any longer.

3. We always have a budget deficit adding to our debt each year because congress is either stupid or ignorant.

4. Look what this “New” Republican party platform has done to the dollar.

5. Future obligations of over $59 trillion.

6. We fight unnecessary wars that are bankrupting this country and this hasn’t done much to help the price of oil and gas now has it?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

For me to even quote the Declaration of Independence in the future might be a jail-able offense. How have we let our elected officials do this to us?

There is still time to make a difference in the future of America!

Ron Paul needs to take a 3rd party to the next level of his “Hope for America” Presidential Campaign. Naturally, the faithful will follow.

Doug Eberhardt


  1. […] different, and he ripped them off I was hoping he would run as a 3rd party candidate too: Ron Paul Should Leave The Republican Party : FedUp! His campaign manager, Kent Snyder, has been adamantly against this. Kent Snyder is an idiot. As […]