April 25, 2024


An Open Letter To Sellout Congressman Bernie Sanders On Auditing the Fed

The following is a letter (see below) I sent to Congressman Bernie Sanders in response to the fans on his facebook page thanking him for pushing through the Sanders amendment that will audit the Federal Reserve.

Unfortunately, what Sanders facebook fans don’t realize is this amendment does not audit monetary policy, the one thing that H.R. 1207 and the Vitter amendment would have audited. In other words, the folks at the federal Reserve are smiling, including Ben Bernanke who approved of the Sanders amendment.

To rub salt in the wound to all who have worked hard at getting the original  “Audit the Fed” bill to pass the House with bipartisan support, Senators Bernie Sanders and Judd Gregg were doing the media circuit today receiving pats on the back.  They were enjoying congratulatory remarks from all the journalists who don’t have a clue about the monetary policy of the Fed and their manipulation of interest rates being one of the main culprits for the bust to begin with.

The Federal Reserve is just a con game and We the People will pay for their past and future mistakes through higher taxes and higher inflation.  Thank you Sanders and Judd….and future generations will be thanking you too for decades to come…except not in the manner you expect!

Mr. Sanders,

People are cheering for your victory with the passing of your bill 96-0 but in reality the Paul/Grayson amendment, H.R. 1207, would have gone much further in addressing auditing Federal Reserve monetary policy. Your bill does nothing towards that end.

Even though you voted for the Vitter amendment, you are a sell out to the Dodd and Gregg power elite of the Senate who refuse to work on behalf of the People in restraining the Federal Reserve, the cause of the bust to begin with.

The result of such negligence will be seen in a weakening dollar, a Federal Reserve balance sheet full of risk and more and more power handed to the entity that wreaks havoc on the entire economic system.

Congress has no clue what will occur because they can’t see the forest through the trees. We the People can and will remove from office those who do not adhere to the principles of Sound Monetary Policy.

It’s a shame you had no fight in you to stand for the principles of H.R. 1207, Ron Paul and Alan Grayson. Our nation will reap what Dodd, Gregg and the others who voted “NAY” to the Vitter amendment sow.

Thank you for voting yes. It falls short of me recommending anyone vote for you in the future because of your succumbing to the power elite. J.P. Morgan is smiling in his grave.


  1. […] Paul did not approve of the Sanders amendment.  He knew it didn’t go far enough. Sure, he would have voted for it, but the Vitter amendment was the carbon copy of the original H.R. […]