April 26, 2024


Why Don’t Limbaugh and Hannity Support Ron Paul’s Bill to Audit the Fed?


There is currently a bill to Audit the Federal Reserve before the House and Senate that has bipartisan support and makes sense for all the People of this country yet Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity (among others) never promote it on their shows. Why is that?

Auditing the Fed is what the People want and Congress needs to provide.

A Solution for Ron Paul Supporters?

A Solution for Ron Paul Supporters? ——————————————————————————– Voting Fourth Party Part 2 Sandra Hamilton wrote an article on voting Fourth party that I had posted here recently. There were some comments on how writing in Ron Paul could be a “wasted vote.” In this sequel to her first article on writing in Ron Paul, she […]

Voting Fourth Party


Makes sense to me…. My comments follow this article… Doug Eberhardt Voting Fourth Party by Sandra Hamilton Most of the people that I know are not happy with the political choices they have for President this year. I hear lots of talk about voting against one guy or the other, but not so much talk […]

Ron Paul Needs to Hire Britney Spears!

How does Ron Paul get media attention? He hires Britney Spears! What would be the effect? I’m mixing up my normal type of support article for Ron Paul….frustration sometimes does this to me! I want to see if just by adding the name “Britney Spears” to a Ron Paul article if viewership will increase by […]

Ron Paul Should Leave The Republican Party

I’m not trying to second guess Ron Paul, but the following is what I believe needs to happen in order for Ron Paul’s “message” to have the most lasting impact. What makes Ron Paul think that sticking with the Republican Party is going to accomplish his campaign goal of Liberty? 95% of Republican voters have […]

It’s Not Too Late For Ron Paul!

Is Ron Paul making the right decision with his “next phase” in spreading the “message” and moving the revolution forward? My criticism and recommendations for Ron Paul and all of us to consider as we continue the fight for Individual Liberty, Free Markets, Private Property, Sound Money, and A Non-interventionist Foreign Policy! Sure revolutions take […]

The Ron Paul rEVOLution, Super Tuesday and “The Message!”

The Republican nominee for President will more than likely be decided by February 5th, otherwise known as Super Tuesday. Whether or not Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for President by that time is irrelevant because either way, as the Republican nominee or as a 3rd party candidate, the rEVOLution he has started will continue […]